Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Blood Blood and More Blood

Horror is what nightmares are made of......
Check out a short film made many years ago in the backyard of a young man from New York.  Strange, Weird and Bloody. 
"Killer Rocks" for your entertainment.

"Killer Rocks" is shot on 8mm.  Shot by a fourteen year old, this short is influenced by Alien, the movie.  You will recognize the stomach exploding scene.  Good fun.

Contact Planet Splat at infrplanetsplat@gmail.com


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Blood and Horror...Top TEN Best Horror Films Are...

Horror is a serious business, and the likes and dislikes are so personal---,

Everyone has an opinion, and at Planet Splat we have our favorites. See how your "Top Ten" Horror films compares to this killer list.

10.The Thing (John Carpenter's) This is the best. The special effects, the acting, the best of all three films of the same name.

9. The Dawn of the DEAD (George Remero's) A great jump out of your seat film with plenty of blood. Of all three, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, DAY OF THE DEAD, are masterful horror films, the second in the series, has the best gore. The remake was also very good, but lacked the humor, as do many films of today. Rent it and enjoy.

8. Alien & Aliens (the first two film's in the series) - Everyone knows the films, and few can say anything bad about them. They changed Sci-Fi / Horror. Always a good scare.

7. Friday the 13th (the first two are the best) - This series held up nicely as it went on (Even the old 3D). Always bloody enough with some humor. Watch a few in a row, a good way to fill a weekend.

6. DEAD Alive - This masterpiece is top of the world weird, bloody, and humorous. From the director of "Lord of the Rings", this hard to find horror has what it takes to be watched again and again. A monkey spreads a virus that makes people die but they remain alive. The English type humor adds to the fun. Find it if you can, "DEAD ALIVE".

5. The Crawling Eye - An 1958 film that doesn't show on many lists, but this strange story has a way of remaining with you. It is one of the best 1950's B-monsters. Maybe, silly now, but the eye is a great creature and the combination of SCI-FI and HORROR is always worth a look. There are many great horror films of that time. These could also be on the list; THEM and INVADERS FROM MARS.

4. The Exorcist (original) - The vomit, the head turning, the suspense, this film is horror wonderful. A classic that still holds up. Even the SPECIAL effects are still real. The original EDIT is the best, they can lose the scene when she walks down the stairs backwards.

3. JAWS - This film does NOT end up on too many horror lists. But it is every way classic horror; suspense, blood and the monster. The shark is a great killer. There may NOT be a more real and horrifing monster in film history.

2. Dracula - The first is the Best! The black & white original is tops. This "Universal Classic" wins over any Twilight. Vampires that don't drink blood from their victims, what is the world coming to when we cut the BALLS off our monsters. The Twilight Series is a sad view of Vampires, a long way from DRACULA.

1. Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock's the master of holding you into your seat and then making you jump out of it. The Black & White original with Anthony Perkins is the grandfather of today's horror films. This classic holds up well as you watch it over and over again. Hitchcock has a few films that could be considered number one; The Birds and Frenzy. Each of his films is special and horrifing in their own way. Hitchcock has the number one spot with Planet Splat.

Hope you liked our list. As said, everyone has their own nightmares and fears, but this short list has classics for sure.

Enjoy a few short films from PLANET SPLAT. Horror and Humor rule on Planet Splat.
Happy Screams and Nightmares to all.

Click to View : The DEAD Detective - A zombie dectective hunts for victims.
Click To View: The LAST Witch - A witch needs a human heart to stop a curse.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN - May the Ghosts and Zombies treat you well this Halloween season.
Contact Planet Splat - infoplanetsplat@gmail.com

View more shorts on youtube.com - INFOPLANETSPLAT.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Horror ---- shopping Madness....

Black Friday Sales, the register lines, the parking lot is full, an out of stock sign on your favorite item.

The horrors of Thanksgiving are real. 

BLACK FIDAY SALES has quickly become a new tradition in the USA, and that is ruining this country. (BESIDE Congress and the Senate)   Thanksgiving is for family time, not shopping.

Sure many people like the sales, they save money BUT at what a cost.  Loss of sleep, tensions run wild, a shortened Thanksgiving day; these are the true effects of Black Friday. 

What used to be family time, a slow down day, a day to reflect on life and give thanks HAS BECOME A MAD RUSH FOR MORE STUFF.

MORE, more, more....where will it end.  

PLANET SPLAT sezs go without and you will be just as happy.  Live with a smile and carry open arms into the holiday season.  You will be better off. 

Planet Splat presents a short video.
CLICK TO ENJOY, before you go to the mall.
Contact Planet Splat at infoplanetsplat@gmail.com

BEWARE of the Holiday Shopper, be very very aware. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Winter Storms can be really scary

Horror is real ---

The winds are strong, the snow blinding, the roads slippery.  It's a wild winter snow storm.  You are driving, you needed to go out and get some milk.  The sounds of the wind pounding against the window, the white crust of snow gathering even with the windshield wipers work speedily, driving is dangerous.

"I need to get to the store, I've got to get that milk." you kept telling yourself.

Swish, swish, swish go the wipers, but they can't keep up.

With your hand you wipe the window, but that does little but make your hand cold. 

There is no slowing, you need to get to the store before the milk is gone, before the store closes.  You approach the intersection, the light turns yellow.  Oh no----, you'll need to stop.

Your foot tapped the brakes.  But the road wet and slipper won't grip the tires, the car spins, you cut the wheel.  The car is out of control, skidding.  A steal asteroid spinning wildly, you cut the wheel again.  Panicked, you're off the road, the car slams into a large tree, your head into the steering wheel.  The air bag explodes.

"Why did I go out," you think to yourself.  "I don't even like milk." 


Planet Splat knows horror and humor.
Click Below
Contact Planet Splat at infoplanetsplat@gmail.com

Be Afraid of the Winter Storm.... be very afraid.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Freaky Fun on HappyGoLucky Day!!!!

Cult of Nuts, Gang of Crazies, Group of Sickos

You have gathered for this feast of the SPLAT Holiday - HappyGoLucky Day.  It is a great feast of party and drunken pleasure.  A high holy day for sure.

Welcome All that Dare.  This Splat rite offers delights of silliness, moments of madness, and an awful lot of weird stuff.

Look into the EYE.  See the EYE.  BEHOLD the EYE.
Now you are in the power of SPLAT.  You will do as you are told.  You will do as commanded.  Watch the silly video below.  You will smile.  You will smile.  You will smile.  You can not control yourself, you will smile.

Click below to BEHOLD the VISION of SPLAT.

You are still reading, that is a good sign.  A sign you are smart and wise.  Look down as we continue on this great journey of SPLAT.  Not all are able to endure the super fun you about to receive.  Go at your own risk.  Journey if you dare.  Take part in the HAPPYGOLUCKY Feast of Fun. 

Planet Splat smiles upon you.  Planet Splat seeps into your blood.  Planet Splat crawls under you skin.  Planet Splat calls you to CLICK Below.   Now, smile.

CLICK BELOW - If you dare.

You have now completed todays journey.  You are free to go on with your life.

OR visits us on youtube.com at infoplanetsplat.
Contact Planet Splat at infoplanetsplat.com


Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Horror ---- Cheating on Tests

Cheating on school tests .... the problem has reached an epidemic.

Don't be a cheat....learn and live.  Cheating on test does NOT help you, you want to learn and grow.  School offers a great opportunity, building knowledge and character.  Be yourself and true, don't cheat!  You will only hurt yourself.

Planet Splat offers you a way to smile at the world.  Smile and learn, grow and contribute, be yourself and join the world.

Watch a silly video, if you'd like to smile.  LEAVE THE CHEATING AT THE DOOR.

Click for HONEST HUMOR!   
Flying on a Plane can be scary.
But no need to fear on SPLAT Airlines.  No bag fees, no delays - only smiles and silliness.
Watch the flight to LAX, see dogs and cats rain from the sky.
Weird and Fun, Airplane!

Contact Planet Splat - infoplanetsplat@gmail.com
Don't Cheat - You're only cheating yourself.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Oh the Horror.....

The world we live in is a scary place!

This world is a ticking timebomb....... It always seems just when one nasty thing finishes another springs its ugly head.  After the Arab Spring of unrest, then came the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, and now there is talk about more conflict in the "Middle East" with Iran. 

Poor Planet Earth.....


You have landed on SPLAT, where crazy weird lives.  Watch some videos and enjoy. 

Take your mind off the mess on Earth, delight in the silliness of Planet SPLAT.

CLick to VIEW - For a smile.

Contact Planet Splat at infoplanetsplat@gamil.com

BE AFRAID!   Be very afraid.   OR not, don't matter either way. :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Horror Comes in Many Forms ------- Politics

SCARY is meeting a politician on a empty street on a dark night....

Is there anything more scary then a Politician.  Democrats and Republicans are all creepy.   The Devil is in the details… and in Washington, DC. 
Not that all politicians are bad, or evil, or without good merit, BUT over the years politics has more than its share of characters who would make the bad guy in a James Bond film appear tame and without color. 
Politicians have little over the evil Joker in Batman; Congressman sending naked photos of themselves, Senators texting after young men who work for them, Presidents that start wars for no more reason than money. 

Halloweens’ Jason murders one victim at a time. The leaders control the strings to destroy hundreds and thousands of lives.    

In politics there are again and again, proven liars.  This entire Cain mess is nothing more than an example of the rich getting away with something the average guy would get fired for.  Not all the facts are out yet, but it is easy to see, Cain was given a pass because he was high up on the corporate food chain.  Now that is scary!!!!

Horror has many forms…….. Politics truly is the Scariest!           
WATCH A Witch take a man's heart. 
      Not as frightening as the characters we have running our country.  Have fun, just the same.
Planet Splat presents this short film - The LAST Witch.  
Contact Planet Splat - infoplanetsplat@gmail.com